Pen Hap dolmen

Although Pen Hap dolmen has been known and described by archaeologists since the mid-nineteenth century, it has only been a listed historic monument since 1979. The dolmen features a quadrangular chamber and an axial passage. All the stones are granite. The chamber is formed by nine adjoining orthostat slabs and a massive capstone with a very particular shape, making the monument easily distinguishable from others. The passage comprises five orthostat slabs (one of which is now lying on the ground), and a capstone. On the partition stone between the chamber and the passage, two engravings have been identified as depicting sperm whales.

The area around the monument was landscaped by the Département of Morbihan (which owns the monument) in the early 2000s. The adjacent high embankment is in fact a large, elongated mound comprising several small tumuli. Located in the middle of a field, the site is indicated by signposts from the road leading to the southern tip of the island. It is a must-see for hikers and cyclists, and offers splendid views over the Gulf of Morbihan.

Pen Hap dolmen
Pen Hap dolmen passage
Pen Hap dolmen engraving